Movie Time: Death in Gaza

This documentary was really a difficult watch for me. It chronicles the 2003 intifada in the Israeli occupied Gaza strip through the lives of it’s Palestinian inhabitants and the lens of director James Miller, who was killed on the last day of filming the project. It is no secret that there have been tensions between the Israelis and Palestinians beginning with the creation of the state of Israel, carved from Palestinian homelands in 1948. There have been many peace treaties, which are always broken by a violent act perpetrated by one side or another. The glaring fact is that though the Palestinians are committed to fighting to regain sovereignty of their lands, their fight is futile against the military might of the western backed Zionist government of Israel.

In this documentary, Miller and his crew not only address the adults who are jailed and killed during the uprisings, but the children who are equally affected. The children are in a sense robbed of their childhood through repeated exposure to extreme acts of violence. They are murdered during the conflicts just as the adults are, and from a young age have already been instilled with blood feuds, that will ultimately be perpetuated as and if they grow, until a solution is reached to bring lasting peace between the two groups. Even if you are bothered by graphic violence, it is worth a look, to see what is like in country from the Palestinian point of view.

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