Movie Time: Boogie Nights

Paul Thomas Anderson’s 1997 release, Boogie Nights is a look at the 1970’s pornindustry,and one young man’s”rise” to stardom within it. We come to know a young Eddie  Adams, from Torrance, CA. Eddie is 17, living with his parents and working 2 jobs. On one of those jobs, he works as a busboy/dishwasher at a nightclub. As a side hustle, he mastrubates for $10 for patrons. This is how he catches the eye of porn director Jack Horner, who upon seeing the size of Eddie’s member, is eager to bring him on as a protege’.

Eddie comes into his own as a porn actor named Dirk Diggler. The story covers the period of transition when the industry switched over from film, to video, upending the entire way that the films were made and distributed. In the process, we see the porn industry from the viewpoint of the the actors and actresses, as well as the crew. It’s a sometimes dark look at an industry that literally changed they way that movies were made.

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